Speak now or forever hold your peace

I’ve been awfully silent lately. Sorry about that.

I have no excuse really, it’s just the roadmap time of the year, so it’s a lot of planning. And internal discussions. Debates. Assumptions. And in the end you hopefully get a roadmap worth a name (which you then later will have to tweak back and forth).

Well, I guess I just don’t want to mention anything in public which I just don’t know to 100% certainty that it will happen at a certain time, we’ve had enough of broken promises over the years. Does that hold as an excuse for being silent?

Anyways, in the “meantime” we’ve been working on the new shop as our old one has past its best before date since quite some time now. It’s slowly getting there, we had internal tests last week and today we opened up for some Stage users to try it out. Still, we have a few weeks of work/tests before we can launch it for real.

Last week we also started working on ladder competitions, a new competition form which will be based on single matches. You might remember me mentioning this when we introduced single matches some months back, or from a forum topic from late last year. I guess most of you are familiar with ladder tournaments (they’re pretty common in sports and games), but easily explained players (teams in our case) are listed as if on the rungs of a ladder and the aim is to reach the highest rung. Something you do by challenging teams listed above you, and winning these matches. There will be different kind of ladders: global, league/country, regional and for federations. And we also aim on ladders based on when you started playing Hattrick, so you can compare yourself to those who started at the same time as yourself.

By the way. Do you know what happens about a week after starting up a project? No?
That’s about the time when you start seeing the technical difficulties with the solution you opted for in the specification. And you also start seeing other possibilities. In short, it’s the time when you take all the questions and loose ends, and find the way forward again.

For example here we had hoped to make ladders based on league levels (divisions). Turned out to be more difficult than what we thought (the fact that around 30% change division each season is not a walk in the park to handle). So that idea will have to rest for a while.

And we also got in on the dear subject of whether the ladders should be based on ladder rank (traditional type) or based on points, like ELO rating (google it) for example. Again, I should add. Both have their pros and cons, so it’s not a really a trivial decision. But to be frank we have a few days before we need to make the final decision, which means there is still a chance to influence us.


If you have any opinion about whether ladders should be based on ladder rank or points – speak now or forever hold your peace! Ok?
