Sitting here writing the last words of the loyalty editorial and thought I should give you a quick update on things.
Loyalty concept is done and ready, and the editorial will be handed out to the LAs for translation tonight or tomorrow. And as you know my current status (parental leave, working only Mondays) I guess you can figure out when you will be able to read the news. π
A status update about staff as well: In my editorial from June 30 I said we didn’t know whether the new staff would be ready for release in late October, but we aimed on it. The work with it is in progress, but unfortunately it will not be ready until then. So the new staff system will not be released next season (but we’ll keep working on it naturally).
good news that you are not rushing this one through prematurely just to meet an arbitrarily set target date.
it is, however, a bit annoying that you chose to write this here as opposed to in the perfectly usable tread in the global forum in the game itself. it reeks of attempting to artificially boost this platform, frankly.
is it dying already?
Anne mentioned it on the forums, the reason I mention it here as well is for it to reach more users (and it will be included in the editorial as well) than just the forum users.
good to hear from you. π
it’s really odd that with your current status, you seem to be the only one working on these things!?
your forum time is none and it took 4-5 days only to moderate my previous comment on your last post here (it would’ve probably been more if i didn’t asked ht-anne), where i asked you about special events being re-designed.
any chance this situation would change soon?
tjecken, what’s with the comments from real sociedad team? π
just check comments from your previous posts.
Working on these things, as in writing stuff like this etc or as in workiing with game features as loyalty? For the former yes, for the latter not quite. π
I would really like to spend more time on the forums etc, but with my current status it’s quite hard to do so in a good fashion. That said, it shouldn’t take 4-5 days to moderate a comment in here though.
About the real sociedad, I have to check those comments to see what you mean.
thanks for the answer.
so what about re-designed special events? how did you put it?… “more balanced (not only quick and corner), and easier to understand (why you got a certain event and why it was stopped… or not).
it sounded great when you’ve said it… but it’s been quite a while ago.
i’m sure you have your priority list, i just think that users should be also aware of it.
oh, about real sociedad… it seems that many posts from many users are linked to that team… i’m not sure what the bug is exactly… maybe all users without ht-united blog, or not logged in, are linked to that team.
Redesigned special events is still on my list, but staff and ratings are higher on that list. So lets deal with them first. π
Probably being irritating, but for the heck of it. Improved Match Rating Presentation. It will be 3 years and counting soon. π
Yep, you are. π
(But it’s understandable at the same time)
This is the example mikan was talking about. If you don’t login and just post by typing your username and email you get linked to this
Instead of your proper team (even though the correct team logo is pulled) Are you a secret fan of real sociedad or something? lol
I’ll see if I can link it to Crystal Palace instead. π
Weird stuff, but perhaps it’s something that Elia can fix for me.
I’m really dissapointed about the delay of the new staff system, you guys are talking about it for at least three seasons now.
I can understand that. But I rather release something when it’s actually ready than stressing something through just because we aimed on a release in this seasons end. No one likes crappy features in the end.
one word only:
Lol the previous comment by me somehow linked to another team.. π
No problem – we will wait:)
Good to hear the loyalty bonus is ready, it probably will be a factor in my decisions to replace certain players or not. I hope that you will give us a little more time to prepare for the introduction of the new staff system, once it is ready, since it sounds like a more far reaching change.
I assume you can’t comment on the status of the new rating presentation?
Thx for the update!
I have no real update about new ratings right now, so no.
Is there any time left for browsing the forum in those working Mondays? We miss you over there, although Anne manages to do a great job.
I miss you too. It’s a pity really, but with my limited time and the other duties I have it’s hard to find enough time to browse the forums in a decent way. It’s really a comfort knowing Anne is there. I still read a little though, but far from as much as I would like and as you’ve seen I don’t post much atm. But two months from now, everything is back to normal again.
When will people stop bitching?
Never. π You can’t make everyone happy.
If you be gentle the next time we play, You maken me happy π
I’ll speak about something different that you may want to consider as future improvement.
It’s related with the economy in the game. Some times the market is up, sometimes it gets down (like now…as it was desired). But then…some of the other costs should be related to this. For instance the money needed for hiring a coach or for upgrading the stadium. These amounts should somehow change according to an average of the market change.
Thank you for reading!
is there a problem with hattrick website?
true !!!
I just saw the announcement about the predictions for sector ratings — I do not like this one bit. I’ve spent time learning how the match engine works, trying things out, and now anybody gets it automatically. It’s too easy.
Mate, don’t overwork yourslelf with those busy Mondays! 4 hours tops and I’m serious.