A few hours ago we started up Operation Bugsplat. This operation has been planned for a few weeks and for this purpose we packed our gear and relocated to a small town south of Malmö. Here we have set up what one could call a mobile war room from where we will execute our attacks on the nasty creepers.
Today and tomorrow the whole team will sit together and only focus on getting bugs out of the Hattrick system. Hattrick, not Hattrick Open. Before we got here, we made up a list over the bugs that are most important to fix. So once here, we could move straight into action.
Right now we’re in the middle of our first offense, and before this day ends we will probably have time for an evening raid as well. And before we leave this place tomorrow afternoon/evening there will be a second and a third offense as well. So, I think it’s safe to say that the list of fixed bugs in the next release will be quite significant. Make sure to read the next release notes in system status.
The only ones who are not present are Gusy, Klas and Paul. Gusy still takes part of this operation though (and a very active role), but Klas and Paul will continue their work on Hattrick Open.
remind to fix alltid too!
Well done guys!
So, who’s who on that picture? 😛
Good to know. But I think this have been done just because of the bad impression that HTO got.
This was actually planned before the release of Hattrick Open. It does take some planning to do something like this properly you know.
Fixing ther Long-Shot Bug would be an idea!
What bug?
My fault, please could you establish the non-tactical LS like it is written in the manual, would make the LS-tactic competitive.
Ah. That one is actually fixed, we’re just testing the new matchengine (with this fix and some other reworked parts (not affecting game play though) to make sure it works properly before we put that engine into Hattrick. But it seems allright, so we will soon put it into Hattrick (starting with youth for final tests).
fantastic to hear, 😀
I was on verge of lost my hope!
What is the thing that the guy with glasses have on his chest?
If break your back because of a skiing accident, that’s what you get to wear for some months… It’s to keep the back steady.
Oh damn… May he feel better soon
Great news. That´s really hoped part of your development. Can we have the list? I hope you have all important ones listed. You could btw have asked from users which are most annoying bugs, but maybe (hopefully) you know them already. Sometimes it just seems your bug fixing isn´t really competent, but perhaps this is now going to change.
Just curious, Hattrick is done in ASP.NET MVC?
Yes, the Hattrick website is made in ASP.NET.
Not MVC. Just regular ASP.NET.
Good news, could you post a list of bugs you are killing during “bugsplat”?
Yep, it will come (on system status page on Hattrick when the fixes are released).
Please, fix the engine. Hattrick is sinking.
Hi !
It will be nice if you take time to add one thing :
In the Transfert Search, the Speciality section, can you add “at least on”.
thanx 😉
Why did you need to relocate?
I wouldn’t say it’s a “need”, but we believe an action like this becomes much more efficient if we do.
Nice work. Hope your hunt goes according to plan!
“…small town south of Malmö.”
Sounds like Trelleborg 🙂 But it is not so small… mhm…
I worked for the company “prenaud” for 2 weeks there (student exchange program 2004) – very funny “up there” 🙂
No Clouds – cold because of the wind
Clouds – warm, because no wind – weird 😀
So i hope u keep ur heads cooled – bugsplat sounds very overheating…
Nope, not Trelleborg – Falsterbo. 🙂
Hi, the offensive is over? Was it a success?
War is over – Happy X-mas. 😉
It was a real success I have to say, and it was great fun as well. I’ll post the results in a new blog post later.
/me loves your errors: http://i52.tinypic.com/dr5jwg.png
10 little bugs in the code.
10 little bugs in the code.
Fix one, link the fix, compile.
11 little bugs in the code.
Will swap players function be activated during matches?
Will bug for limit in 30 staff persons be fixed?
Thank you in advanced.
Swap players will be a conditional order, just like all other such orders.
Which bug about the staff limit?
limit of 30 persons in staff is bug!!It is wrong you insert it because we can’t manage.It is a big problem for our team.
I think you must set it to 50 persons total.10 persons for each position.Important is also to remove completely the 7 days period of firing staff.Let it free to hire and fire any time we need them.
These two things (limit of 30 – 7 days period for firing) are a very big problem in HT that prevent us to manage the team properly.
Please fix them as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
The limits are actaully features. 🙂 It’s about making choices (as it should be) and not trying to cover all bases.
Then you could remove “7 days period of firing”.Let it free.
This is a problematic feauture really !!
Thank you very much!!
Is it possible to get a search on income for a player in the future.
Was signed by the coach of The Bronto’s
Yeah 🙂