Operation Bugsplat turned out to be very efficient, even more efficient than we thought it would – and also a lot of fun. During these two days we managed to fix about 50 tickets (a ticket can be about a bug, an annoyance or some other kind of problem) and we also did an all-in on player swaps – woha!
So tomorrow we will release all the bug fixes to the site, and we’ve also completed the work on player swaps, so that one will hit stage tomorrow for testing. But the best thing is really that we have cleared our backlog a bit, making the life of our devs who normally handle tickets on daily basis a lot better.
This week it’s back to business as usual again. The focus of this and next week is “My office” (more known as the new game introduction). While new users already get a first version of this (which has had a positive impact on stay rate among newbies), this project is not yet completed.
What we’re at now is to make My office the start page for all users, instead of the My Hattrick news page. It’s not that much left to do, but a few things that we need to polish before we feel we can release it for everyone.
When this is done the first step of this project is completed, and that’s what we will aim on for these two weeks. There are two more steps after that, both aimed at new users and their intitial gaming experience. One is that they can choose players and trainers (kind of like you pick players in Hattrick Open) and the other one is a better introduction/tutorial, replacing the manager licence challenge. And those are things I think will have an even bigger impact on the stay rate among newbies.
What is player swaps?
Good job guys!
What about doing the transfer bid like eBay, where you can make a maximum bid and wait the finish, is just annoying to be online to get a new player…
Player swaps makes it possible to swap positions for two players on the pitch with one order. They then inherit each other’s orders.
“What about doing the transfer bid like eBay, where you can make a maximum bid and wait the finish, is just annoying to be online to get a new player…”
Id like to second this 😛
Sounds like a great success indeed. reat news that My Office improves the stay rate too! We all need players to stay.
I’ve been watching my 8 y.o. who started a team a few weeks ago and he pretty much immediately used My Office as a natural starting point on the site.
Thanks for sharing, I’m glad he started using My Office as natural starting point as that’s what it’s designed for. 🙂
Keep up the good work!
It makes me want to start all over again, just to experience all the new features. 🙂
I _REALLY_ like how new users are going to start. Especially the picking your initial players. When I read about this in a previous blog post I had a thought, which came to my mind again after reading the last paragraph.. and i know I will go for this:
“I want _THAT_ start, and not the crappy one that I had”
Will there be any possibility for existing users to live that experience? I don’t mind losing my existing team.. but creating a new user is not a choice since I’m supporter and I don’t want to lose my supporter package.
Bankruptcy maybe? A reset button? xD
Thanks for reading, and good work. I’m really pleased with the changes going into hattrick for the last years. Communication has to be improved a lot, but this blog is doing it pretty good.
I’m really glad to hear this. 🙂
But no, there will not be a possibility to start all over together with this project. But to be honest, that’s an idea we have for the future.
May 18, 2011 @ 17:22
Operation completed – down again… 🙁
Yet another DDoS attack unfortunately. 🙁
One of the main things to keep new user is giving immediate access to the game. No one likes to set up for a team and wait 3 days. By then many people even forget about the game. The occasional signer will not come back.
I think that a better approach is to give the person a team immediately with a restriction on buying players the transfer market during the evaluation period.
I really do not see a reason for not doing it.
I am a pretty active player and I almost gave up the game because I was just waiting for team with nothing to do.
Are you guys working on these issues?
Today most new users get their team immediately actually. Some have to wait a little though (depending on the conditions of their sign-up), but these are also issues we will be looking more on as well. Because I totally agree with you, in today’s world noone waits that long to start playing a game.
Good news about player swaps! I would have found the order useful a couple of times this season for training purposes, a single order for switching players around should make everything a lot easier!
@Mark: Personally I think an ebay style system would be a terrible idea. If anything, Hattrick, in my opinion, has the best bidding system of any other browser management game I’ve played.
Will you be able to choose your own spokesperson?
Would be great being able giving that job to one of your older (weaker) players, as an alternative of kicking or making them a trainer.
If we have enough time we will make it possible to use one of your players in Hall of Fame as your secretary. And there might be other roles for HoF players in the future, I would enjoy that as well.
I also would like this one very well.
Go on like that, some things you did the last weeks are realy fine imo.
mmm, where is the report with the list of the fixed bugs?
The list is published on the system status page on Hattrick.
sorry my English is not good 🙂 Please provide Hattrick United also in German. Thank You.
Very Very good Job 🙂
Bonjour Hattrick United ! Je n’arrive pas à m’enregistrer, la demande d’autorisation à Hattrick ne se lance pas. Merci de m’éclairer !
Why can’t we sign-up to Hattrick United?
“My office” this is good idea for such people as the artistic soul like me who have trouble remember what, where and how, ha, ha, ha … Really great idea. Thanks for the great:)