The first step of the new game introduction is almost completed. Almost. Because there are some things left to do. But it’s ready enough to give you a first glimpse of how it looks like.
What you see below is the dashboard, or my office. This is the start page for the new users, the page they come to after logging in (in fact, with time all users will get this page as their start page). One can say it’s divided in three parts:
At the top of the main window is where the story is told and where you’re getting different kind of information. This is done by different characters, in this case the chairman of the board. Other characters are your trainer and your secretary to start with. The latter will for example notify you when there is a new My Hattrick message to read, and similar things.
Below in the main window you have the Upcoming events; a calendar for the next 7 days with information what’s happening each day. So you can plan ahead.
To the right you have the boxes with team news and team events, which I think is quite familiar to you already (you find them on the My Hattrick page today).
In a way you can say that things that are happening are found at the top in the main window (story section), things that will happen in the future are found below in the main frame (upcoming events), and things that have happened are found to the right. Oh so logical, don’t you think? 🙂
I think there is still too much white around the text/avatar in the “story card” and so on, but as I said – it’s ready enough for you to get your first glimpse even though there are some things left to do. Hope you like it!
I like. I know when I started about 3-4 years ago that would have been helpful. Heck even now I would like to see the upcoming events. Good stuff.
Like it so far. How about you guys wrap thing little 🙂 thingy up before may 6th, so I can “give” my son a Hattrick team with the new intro for his 8th birthday?
We’ll see what we can do! 🙂
It looks a lot nicer and cleaner. Well done 🙂
Like it
You could add NT and U20 matches aswell.
Maybe an option to select the favourit national team(s) in your preferences.
Actually, NT/U20 matches are already added. 🙂
Oh my! I will finally have my own secretary!!!
Much more promise that I would expect, looking forward!
Very nice.
When I suggested the idea of adviser-robot in HT forum [in this post 14551231.87], it was not accepted by by HT-Johan, but it seems that finally you are moving towards this idea; though with a shorter name, “adviser” 😉
Great job BTW, keep it up.
Thanks. 🙂
And btw, it seems you misunderstood what Johan said in the forum. He said that your idea is pretty much what a tutorial would like like (except for the robot then).
Hey! I really like the idea! One question in this context: Do you know the ages of new managers signing in to
Glad you do!
New managers are asked to leave their age (birth date) when signing up, but it’s not like we can rely on that data being 100% correct naturally.
I like it a lot.
Can we give our ‘secretaries’ names?
Nice to hear. No, your secretary comes with a name as of now, but perhaps that something one can think of for the future. Or just name every secretary Moneypenny. 🙂
I like it.
the game is always progressing, as someone says above, i wish it was on here 4 years ago as it looks way better than back then.
Keep the good work up with the updates!
It looks great!
You should also add news/feeds from the teams that we support, would be nice knowing automatically what my mates do during a season.
Good job as far as I can see, but I am still missing a “search” button on the start page.
To search for what exactly? You know there is a search icon always present at the top right?
ICAL export of future team events. Or CHPP interface with access to team events.
That’s great idea.
Will this be only for supporters or for everyone? 🙂
For everyone. 🙂
Great. I like it very much 😉
It is all beautiful, such a community – a good sincere congratulations, really good idea, but why no one interesting to change money for promotions and high ranking in the league? Why? These awards, which are now, they are only sufficient to purchase a maximum one leg and it is a player which is not playing in the first squad, just for training. These prizes are archaic. We already have a mini-Facebook in the hattrick? Yes, we have. There will be severe restrictions on transfers – Give players more motivation to fight for top places in the league. I cordially greet the team.
This is exactly what I wan too. Position in the league is not anymore important. All that matter is now whether you are relegated or promoted or not… We must value league position if we want more enthusiasm in each league match. If you think there are too much money, just reduce the number of match attendance in all matches.
It’s fantastic!
But why not make such a start page (the myHT page) for all users..? With a preview of all upcoming events and similar..?
That’s just what will happen (and it’s also mentioned in the blog post). 🙂
Already sure when it is implemented?
And what about the new countries?
We’ll see if there will be any new ones this season. Patience. 🙂
i like it when will be out?
This first step? Quite soon.
well very nice indeed but do we need to pay for the secretary and can it be a female for males and male for female ?
and please assign hot girl 😛
or else my team spirit will fall down :<
No, you don’t need to pay for the secretary, and there are only male ones. I guess most Hattrick users would like their own Moneypenny, but that will not happen. At least not until we have a name database for women. 🙂
And if/when we get one, I actually think it would be funnier if all chairmen of the board were female and all secretaries male.
yeah why not :< please try your best to make them all girls:$
I like it. Don’t worry about the white areas – leave it like this. After all, in real life chairmen also need a bit of space 🙂
Pizza or pancakes?
OT: Very nice update, can’t wait too see it released 🙂
first: good idea, its looks really nice;
question: at the sceenshot i see “ supporters signed up and paid…” ?
whats about that ? please explain that.
ah i think supporters = fans right 🙂 ?
than it is clear
Nice! I especially like the upcoming events..
Just a small thing: I dont like this investors thing in football. In my opinion the text could be changed.
Beside that: A good idea, I think.
I think we all have to accept that in a manager game you play the manager, which means there is a board or an owner somewhere. In Hattrick, the board exists but is not very present. You play the role of both manager and club owner, but still someone has given you money from the start etc.
Actually, I like the investors thing. I even recall playing a standalone management game where choosing the right sponsorship deal is one of the things to do in the game.
Long term for less money when you anticipate things might be tough in the coming seasons, short term if you feel you will get better deals in a season time, choices like that.
We have the new season in Hattrick.
Lightnings from Yorkshire greet and wish many positive emotions in the game:)
Sorry to bother you again, HT-guys, but I asked you about the following months ago and I think this is a good post to return to the subject.
It was a time when HT was growing and almost got 1 milion users at the same time. Then it got a steady number (+or- 950 thousand) and now have only 760 thousand active users.
Once I read at the Global forum from one of you (Jonas or perhaps Bjorn) “Hattrick is easy to learn, hard to master”. In my opinion this WAS what made HT catchy. I really don’t see HT this way anymore. It lost its attractiveness: it’s too complex. Junior team, complex training system and skills-age relation, substitutions…
I see your efforts to catch new managers as you’re redesigning the introduction to the game but in my HUMBLE opinion it won’t solve this ‘problem’. I think you’re pointing at the wrong direction.
I thank you for the considering my thoughts about this game I once was addicted.
Well, I beg to differ. The basics of Hattrick is more or less still the same as it’s “always” been, including training (the change we’ve done to made it easier to understand in my opinion). What’s new is really junior team (but that’s something you don’t have to start) and subs. The latter can perhaps make it more complex, but it’s also more for the advanced manager as I see it. But even though Hattrick in itself isn’t very hard to understand, it’s still a lot to take in for a new manager. And hence why it’s important to make Hattrick easier and more fun in the beginning.
From past surveys we actually know that there are many users who dont’ feel enough challenged. That doesn’t mean we should make the game more complex, and that’s not a design goal either. I just don’t belive it’s too complex, as surveys say many managers believe things are ‘too easy’. In my opinion we have some stuff in the game (choices you have to do) that aren’t that relevant (which in turn make them uninteresting), and for some things it’s also really hard to tell the effects of your choices. Stuff like that can actually increase the feeling of “it’s too complex” and “it’s too easy”, at the same time. I believe making these things more interesting and relevant will have a positive effect on both, and it will make a better game for everyone.
I’m to side with HT there. The game started really easy for me, only with newbie guide and the manual I got promoted in my very first season being in the first place. Only one bot there.
Within that first season I could easily get familiar to most of the complex things you mention and understand them.
Of course you have to be willing to face up to those things and it takes time but that’s exactly what “hard to master” means to me.
I think, HT’s great and completely related to that one sentence “Hattrick is easy to learn, hard to master”.
On Topic: Really like that dashboard. Thinking of dashboards in companies I could imagine some graphics showing for example the financial situation of the club, maybe even as a chronology development or something 😉
Howeverm well done! 😉
هرکی پول داره بره باشگاهشرو بزرگ کنه واجبه حتما برید و عمل کنید
Sorry, but I don’t like it. Why? Because it does exactly what all other managerials do. Nothing new. A story combined with a calendar: something with of no big use, as every new manager knows they are there to run a team.