It is time for me to step in and join HT-Tjecken in the Dev Blog. I should have done this a long time ago but just never seemed to get around doing it.
This week is a bit different than my average work week. I’m currently in Munich, Germany. Along with HT-Daniel I’m visiting HT-Oxidus whom is living here (despite being an Englishman). We’re sitting in a conference room at a hotel, adjacent to the Olympic area from the 1972 summer Olympics.
Daniel and me left a snowy and very windy Sweden very early yesterday morning and are enjoying the sunny Bavarian capital. To me as a Swede the current winter weather here feels like spring time and we also got to sit outside and have a beer in the sun today, not something you usually do in Sweden this time of year.
Besides eating too much Wiener schnitzel we’ve been having some really good discussions about things to come. Unfortunately I can’t reveal anything about that at this point but I think I dare to say that something rather special is under making. I’ve been assigned to the project for a couple of months now and it is a great feeling to see it come more and more to life. Just now, while writing this, I had a look at HT-Oxidus computer and got a real kick out of what he had created today.
We’ve also spent time working on some other features that is on the way quite soon. Some of them have already been delivered to our testing environment Stage, others will soon follow. It is always fun to sit down like this and work and just throw ideas around and then also just go ahead and create the features. It is nice to have a break from large projects and just do some smaller stuff and throw it out there for you to use and hopefully enjoy.
During these two days here in Munich we’ve also addressed a bunch of bugs and Daniel has optimized a few pages a great deal. I think it is the smell of creativity that is formed when great minds (and mine) sit together in a small room without air-conditioning. It also give us energy to work very long hours here in our little room.
Oh well, time to get back to work…
I can assure you that it’s very mild even for a german late-winter. The weather is currently about a month ahead of the schedule and we’re enjoying it 🙂
HT down?
Good hearing from you, Klas 🙂 Keep it up!
Long time, no see, oatvt 🙂
Good hearing from you too.
i love sweden want to live and work there! =)
then go and work there… 🙂