The morning after

It’s the morning after the big release of the season, and I feel fine. It’s being helped by the fact that I’ve spend the night in a hotel and thus slept all night long (which doesn’t exactly happen every day…). Going to Malmö has its benefits.

But I mostly feel fine because the news about next season is out and mostly liked by the community. When you prepare everything for the release you also build up a lot of excitement and nervousness inside yourself. What will managers think of this, and how are they going to react?  There were not that many controversial things to announce this time, so perhaps I wasn’t as pumped up as I usally am. But still enough to feel it the day after, because you can really feel all that anticipation getting out of your body. And how the body and mind all of a sudden feel so relaxed.

Yesterday also contained a monthly meeting, our first one down here. Some information about what’s up the coming months, and also discussing different organizational issues. And last but not least, also deciding on pimping the office to feel less like a bachelor apartement.

Today it’s time for marketing meeting. See how we lived up to the different goals we set up last time, but more importantly to decide on the strategy for the coming seasons and set up goals for that.  Our main challenge is naturally to find ways to attract more people to the game, but also make sure that we improve the number of users who sign up and from there on get them addicted. Addiction is good, as you know. And healthy and good for the human race. 🙂

And now they’re saying it’s time to get started from the other room…
