It’s been a season now with the Man Marking feature on Tournament matches! Will not hide it, but a change we had to do on the last minute due to a bug on the formulas, altered the desired effects. However, we had a season to think about it again and tweak it based on your own feedback. Next Monday, 11th December 2017, new Man Marking will be out on Tournament matches. So, let’s focus on the numbers 🙂
What is the million-dollar question? Well, should I use Man Marking? A well-played Man Marking tactic starts by increasing your winning chances by 1.5-2 p.p. If you analyse your opponent more and try to take advantage of all the aspects of the tactic, you can increase that number even more.
But, what do you mean “well played Man Marking”?… The short answer, you need to fulfill the following:
- The Man Marked player should be on the field
- He doesn’t have any boosts from specialties
- He is on the right sector
- Man Marker has same or higher defending skill from the highest skill of the Man Marked
If you follow all the above, then you can be sure that your winning chances will be higher than without the Man Marking.
The long answer (with a small taste of numbers)
Your Man Marker’s penalty. If the opponent’s player is not on the field, then your player will lose 10% of his contribution. Why? You spent the whole week to prepare him for a certain tactic and in the end he will not act based on that. He looks both unprepared and sad for it 🙂
If the Man Marked is on the “opposite” sector, then your player will lose 50% of his contribution. What is “an opposite sector”?
- Any defender vs Any forward
- Any wingback vs Any winger
- Any midfielder vs Any midfielder
In any other case, your player will suffer of 65% loss of his performance.
The Man Marked’s penalty. This is where the wilder and stronger player will take the upper hand. The defending skill of your player will be against the highest skill of the opponent player. Plus a few bonuses and penalties based on their specialties.
We use a Logistic function to compare their skills. The actual formula is:
penalty = defending ^ 3.5 / (defending ^ 3.5 + highest_skill ^ 3.5)
What this means in simple words? The closer the skills are, the bigger the effect will be if you increase or decrease those skills.
In addition to that, your Man Marker will have an extra 10% boost on his defending skill if he is Powerful and 5% if he is specless. This boost will take place only on the Man Marking fight between the players. It isn’t there for the whole match.
Finally, the Man Marked’s specialty is important too. If he is a technical guy, he will suffer 8% on his highest skill only during the man marking calculations, since your player will be with him all the time and he will not have the space to do his magic dribbles. But if he is an unpredictable, he will gain 8% on the highest skill, since your player will not be able to predict his movements.
Are the above details enough to build your future tactics? One could say that those are more than what we used to share in the past. But, since the contributions are not the same for every skill and losing 50% of a playmaking skill compare with a 50% loss on scoring could lead to different results, it’s up to you how you will use it.
When man-marking in official matches?
When are the other new special events entering the match engine?
Previous indications were this coming season but no news since…
The penalty calculation accounts for form, stamina, experience, loyalty?
What’s the difference between a player’s contribution and performance? Don’t they both affect ratings? And with the “right sector”, i assume the best thing is to use a player in the ‘opposing sector’?
Didn’t read what will happen in the situation where the Marker DF skill is lower than the highest skill of the Marked, will there be still 65% (or 50%) penalty for the Marker and will the Marked still has penalty (even lower than 50%)
Is this the actual formula or the new that is going to be working on 11th of Dec?
penalty = defending ^ 3.5 / (defending ^ 3.5 + highest_skill ^ 3.5)
Why the Man Marked has to increase his points with the defending skills?. This has not logical I think, as you mentioned the comparing skills has to be defending from the Man Marking and the highest skill of the Man Marked.
capri if you do the calculation it means that when the defender and the attacker have the same same skill then the penalty is 50% and it fluctuates about 6% for every unit of skill difference, so yes that is what it does it compares the defending skill with the highest skill of the opponent. Although i doubt that that this exactly how it will work because they will have to take under consideration other factors like stamina
Do I understand correctly that form is not considered when calculating the effect of the marking? Thus it would be beneficial to have an out of form defender man marking an in form forward or midfielder?
I dont understand this formula. It just seems to add the defending and highest skills, no where does it take account of the difference between them
I’m curious what this will do to the 4-5-1 formation, as the “1” can easily be crushed. Besides CA, it has been difficult to get anyone with a LS team to get out of 5-5-0. I don’t see this as something which will encourage that.
I have used man marking in Heroes of 2016 tournament, and I have two question.
1) I have tried 2 times to man marking the opposite GK with my forward, who have a decent level of defending, considered the low level of my team.
In the report of the match the man marking order didn’t appear, is it simply ignored or my player had underperformed?
2) I use the simple layout for the lineup, and I can see the man marking option in the “Lineup” section in tournaments but not in normal matches (league or cup matches).
Is it still an option available only in tournaments?
Watching a match of a friend of mine, I have see that his opponents had used man marking:,615804432,615925898,616068124,616821152,620181626,616821151,620368147,616821158,616821161,616821163
May I need to enable it somewhere in preferences or is it not still available for normal games using the simple lineup page?
Following up to my last comment, today even in a match in my league, I have saw a team using man marking, I suppose it is not already enabled for league matches only using the visually impaired page for orders, that I have set in preferences as default.
I confirm that I see the option of man marking in ladder matches.
When will it be available for national teams?
the man markeds are to strong!!!!! you focus us to create multiskilling players. and now a simple mono skiller kill the game.
the man markeds are to strong!!!!! you focus us to create multiskilling players. and now a simple mono skiller kill the game.
Can anyone tell me why MM isn’t available for NT’s?