Being old is not so bad if you consider the alternatives

Last week, a user asked my opinion about the trend to play mostly with oldies (above 30 years old) in top leagues. The short story is that Hattrick players are on their performance peak on that age. But how many of the teams actually use aged players? We have 1024 teams in the top divisions. Let’s see the average age of players from all active teams in the top leagues (1st graph) and the average age of the top 11 players based on their TSI (2nd graph).

all-players top11


As you can see players of 28-31 years old are the most popular in top ranking teams. Are you also interested in the raw data? Here you can find the above graphs in numbers.


Average Age Frequency Frequency (Top 11)
18 2 2
19 1 4
20 3 3
21 4 6
22 4 6
23 12 8
24 14 10
25 35 32
26 60 65
27 113 79
28 132 128
29 136 152
30 156 199
31 130 162
32 85 99
33 58 35
34 32 10
35 16 2
36 4 0
37 3 0
38 1 0
39 0 0
40 1 0


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