With ratings released a while ago, we began working on Supporter related things. First off was the instant Supporter trial for new users, which also came with better information about what Supporter has to offer. And since last week, this trial is also out.
The main focus for this autumn will be Supporter, in various ways. Ever since we released the first version of Hattrick Supporter 10 years ago, we’ve continually added new features to it and today the Supporter package contains a lot of great features. However, one thing we haven’t really done during all these years is redefining what Supporter is or what Supporter should be in the future. And it’s naturally of high importance, since Supporter is our main source of income.
I don’t know, it may perhaps sound like an easy thing to do to you, but it’s really not. It’s very much the backbone in the whole product, and it affects what things that should be included, what things it shouldn’t include and also how to present it. So, we’ve had a lot of talk around this, and some really good workshops and group exercises – you know, such things I’ve heard that real companies do. 🙂 Only that they probably end the day/evening with playing Eclipse (really good board game), we do have more fun!
A box with Supporter, please. Or take two! One workshop task was to “package” Supporter in a box. Jesper and Erik plus Michael and Chris showing their Supporter boxes.
But just so anyone don’t get any false assumptions here: No, we’re not planning on touching our key principle that Supporter should be about extra features that aren’t really needed to be successful in the game, but they should of course give the user something extra of real value. Where the latter is really important.
But yes, in case you’re wondering: Developing some new great Supporter features are also included in this. 🙂
Anyways. Now you know what I’ve been doing lately. That and occasionally playing Plague on my iPhone and the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim.
hehe, new goodies, looking forward to see them 🙂
I hope you’ll include more statistics for supporter: more information about team and player history.
I’m glad that the key concept of supporter doesn’t change. This is smart, and one of the principle of why all this players are on Ht!
Anyway I hope that you will consider the possibility of make a different supporter pakages, with different features: for example one for federation, one for transferts, ecc ecc like the credits of Hattrick Gears.
Looking forward anyway 😀
Not even a clue about what are the new features? Are you aiming to incise supporter price?
Increase the price? No, no such plans.
Its great to hear that.
i hope you add more graphic options, for me supporter its all about the graphics 😀
Lol at the “Supporter saved my life” note at the box!
Good to hear that you’re working on the Supporter package. Personally, I agree with Frank30. Also, I think it would be great if some statistics would be presented in the way myStats on hattriX-ray does. Some graphs that are now included in the Supporter package, for example on the Economy-page, are not always of good quality (or giving me the information I want).
I have a great sales idea for Hattrick. To earn money via credits i mean. Is there someone I can discuss my idea with, not public?
Well, if you really feel it needs to be in private (though I don’t see why you can’t propose it right here?) – you can use the contact form (Help –> contact us) on the site. Choose business contacts then.
I have platina supporter to play a second team. Most of the other options I don’t care about. From 18/04 I have to pay 130 euros for a year which for me is way to much. Even when the gold supporter is able to manage 2 teams the price will be 100 euros for a year. I played with supporter for many years and it felt always payable. But Hattrick is overreaching. I can imagine there are more players who feel the same way. Anyway when the option to play a second team will remain so expansive Hattrick will loose a loyal paying customer from 18/04 onwards.