And now for something completely different…
Code camp.
With the first version of Tournaments done and before we start working on the next bigger project, we’ve relocated ourselves for a code camp over the weekend.
Dev campers in action. From left to right: Johan, Erik (barely shown), Klas (more or less hidden), Chris, Ulf (well, his back at least), Bodin (hidden behind Ulf), Jakob, Klaus, Aartspam, Mammo, Michael and Gusy (temporarily next to Michael, her original spot is in the middle of the table between Aartspam and Mammo)
What we want with this camp is not to build something big, but to build something new from idea to finished feature within these days. Naturally, this something should be nice and useful. And of course, we also want to have a good time together and have fun along the way. That’s just as important I think.
As you might have guessed from the latest news announcement, we’ve done some fixing and tweaking with our invite system. But to the honest, these fixes don’t make invite system good enough. And there are no fixes or tweaks that will make it good enough either. It’s just not…good, fact is it’s quite the opposite. So, with this in fresh mind – we decided to have a go on a new invite system. You know, a user-friendly one.
It feels like we’ve come a long way today, so I got good hopes that we’ll have ourselves a better invite system at the end of the weekend.
(As I know some of you probably will ask what our next (bigger) project is, you will get information about that quite soon. Rest assured.)
Yay, is good to see you working guys 😉
Poor girl with no table 🙁
Who is she? 😛
It’s just coincidental. Gusy’s real place is right in the middle of the table to the right (you probably notice an empty spot there), she just wanted to check some things up with Michael (the guy sitting next to her) for a few minutes.
Yes, but if you notice he is aside of the cookies and the coffee. Maybe she wanted cookies and coffee… programers love cookies and coffee.
how about larger picture and putting faces to your names – telling us who’s who? 😉
Names can be fixed, just a sec and I’ll edit.
oh, much better, thanks!
so, how much coffee and watter have you spilled, today? 😉
johan’s cup of coffee is a disaster waiting to happen 😉
Actually, no such incidents at all. 🙂
Geeks. 🙂
I like this lifestyle.
No beer while coding?!? Please remember the Ballmer peak
WTF! for moment i thought i was in the room too!
Mammo the man o/
So did you are still looking for how to get new users into HT?
Cause I was thinking that you are focused to how hold new players in HT, as per your spoken some times ago.
Changing the subject, I hope that the bigger project involved the new staff system, otherwise there are also other thing I hope are involved like I wrote in HT forum here: 15306653.807.
Getting more new users to sign up is of course very important as well, we have to focus on many areas here.
So, where’s your place then, Niclas? The Iron Throne just hidden from view?
Iron? Gold, you mean? I took the picture sitting on my throne of course. I mean, take a few steps for taking a photo? Forget about it. 😉
Nah, seriously speaking my place was to the left of Erik.
Gents and Lady,
You are missing an important component of “Camp”.
Where is the (fake) campfire ?
Where are the (fake) bears ?
Where are the (fake) bugs ?
Oh wait, the bugs will arrive, due to coding.
We did have beers, if that’s what you mean (only not during work hours). I guess we could have had one of those fire dvds, that was perhaps a mistake. 🙂
HT-Tjecken, I thought you would be fixing existing bugs. For instance, I cannot EVER load my “Fans” page in my HT team. Whenever I load this page I get this message: “An unhandled error in the application has occurred, please try again later. The error has been logged.”
I have asked and other teams CAN enter their Fans page so there is something wrong with my team, (ID 619649) and this puts me at a disadvantage as I cannot check on my fans mood. Why is this only affecting my team? I am frustrated because I am a loyal paying supporter.
Well, we fix bugs on daily basis. As your problem seems local to your computer, it’s probably related to your computer or rather the software (browser). Please try and clear you cache and update the page (just press F5), and then see if you can load the fan page. If not, please contact your local GM through the form on Help –> contact us, and explain the problem for them. Also, please let them know which browser (and version of it) you’re using.
I cleared the cache (several times) and the problem persists. This is not a local problem. I see this problem in any computer where I log on to Hattrick, in a variety of browsers: IE, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera mini, on my laptop, desktop, phone, etc. I have reported this to local GM but they said that since the problem “has been logged” there is no need to further report it and that I’ll just have to wait it out. Are these things really looked at? If my team is generating an “unhandled exception” every time I visit my “Fans” page will someone get notified or is that just an error log in some server? My team ID is 619649 if that makes any difference… I am a supporter also. :-/ Thanks…
Normally errors like that only appear temporarily, but in your case it seems persistent. Please report it again to your GMs (we need a report), and ask them to file a report this time (you can point them to this comment if you want). Then a dev will have a look at your case.
Well, I reported it again to my local GMs and now, a couple of days later, it is working. This is great! Thank you. 😀
The paintings/prints on the wall: did you bring them and installed them on the wall the night before, to create that cozy atmosphere? I really admire that swedish/scandinavian sense for design and the ability to bring something to the world, out of nothing. That sculpture on the floor (bottom): looks like a socket, but name of designer, please? 😉
Yeah, the decor really something. LIke a trip back in time. 😉
yes, HT is moving in the right direction….step by step 😉
Isn’t it?