So the Supporter feature we’ve been working on for while hit Stage for testing earlier this week, and while it’s not exactly common procedure to share any information about features being tested on Stage – I thought I should do just that. Because this is not just another Supporter feature, it’s much bigger than that.
This feature is called Tournaments.
You can say that Tournaments are the unofficial club competitions of Hattrick: You can play with your first team without risk of injuries or red cards that could affect your regular matches, and you can play against the people you want. Supporters can create (or join) a tournament, and non-Supporters can also join in for the cost of some credits. Tournament matches are played once a week, on Mondays.
A little bit more detailed tournament matches will use the same match data as regular matches. So your players’ current form, skills, experience, injury status etc on the match day will be used. The same goes for your team’s formation experience. Whether your current team spirit and confidence will be used (or a fixed value) it’s still very much up for discussion though. Tournaments will have their own card status, so any red-carded player in normal Hattrick will still be able to play tournament matches.
Tournament matches don’t count for training, nor do they give any experience (player or formation). Easily put, nothing is saved after the match into normal Hattrick. Moreover, there are no injuries in tournament matches and any card a player gets will only count for matches in the tournament. All in all, this means you can use your best players without risking anything, making friendly cups truly competitive. And may I say more fun and challenging as well?
What’s important to be aware about is that what we’re doing now is the basic version, which will be included in the Supporter package. The cup format will be league with playoff, for either 4 or 8 teams. A tournament for 4 teams will take 4 weeks to complete (5 weeks for 8 teams) and you can participate in one tournament at a time.
If this becomes successful, which we really hope and think it will, we plan to add more options in Hattrick Gears in that case. Such as more cup formats, bigger cups, single matches, more tournaments and so on.
There’s a lot more to say about tournaments, but these are the most important things. And you know, I have to hold on to some exclusive stuff for the release material as well.
About the release, there is not date set yet. It all depends on how the testing proceeds and the feedback we’ll get. So far, however, the feedback we’ve received has been very good. Actually, very very good. I would say it’s likely that this will be the best feature ever.
Thank You!
That would be great feature for me who 2 seasons stuck in groups surrounded by bots, more competitive and challenging matches.
A very good new feature, but please fix the staff and fans system!
I agree with your statement – best feature ever! Now if only I could convince you about the TS as well;) To play tournaments, league and cup competitively it is important to be able to mask the TS in some way.
My preferred option is that there are different options available when you initiate the tournament. The chosen option will not be displayed to users outside of the tournamnet. This actually give times an extra option to try to outsmart their upcoming league/cup opponents. Cool, huh!
At last something cool is coming out of Sweden.
Everything coming out of Sweden is cool 😉
It sounds like a great feature. Can’t wait to be released. Thanks for your work guys.
wow… it seems awesome…. can’t wait to see it :-)))
Seems to be good!
That is what i was hoping for, when you showed HT Open to me. I really like it. Good work. Looking forward to many cups our there!
Wow….Lionscup XI from TSV1860 München(2303) fed is waiting for this great feature!
Nice feature but is this any different than Hattrick Open?
You play with your own team and it’s integrated in Hattrick. Plus that Supporters can participate for free in one tournament at a time. But there are similarities with Open of course, as we’ve reused some of things we did for Open.
I don’t like the idea of tournaments. If my players are into a match, I expect them to get training, experience and injuries. There is no such thing as a match, that physically does not happen. It feels like playing with clones of my team or something. It just doesnt feel right.
Can’t help having the same feeling as Freddie…
although it sounds nice… “it just doesnt feel right”
Games only once a week sounds not enough. Why only once in a week?
Less is more? 🙂
As I said in the blog, we’ll start like this and if there’s a demand for more matches (it doesn’t seem unlikely) we can always add such an option to Gears for those who want to more tournaments at the same time.
I think it’s a great idea for testing purposes. But I’d suggest, and just to make it even more real, to have the possibility to pick if you want to play PIC or MOTS, because without that, the testing is not really accurate.
Sounds good. However, it makes me feel somewhat unreal. Because there’s no injury and nothing related to the origin playing style. But I still welcome it~
A good thing, although I have always hoped that HT would do something more on regions, like regional championships, regional teams and so on . . .
Nice but I also think that you should be able to hide TS. One solution is to to give the following options to the tournament maker: “composed TS for all yes/no, hide match ratings from non-participants yes/no, hide match ratings from everyone yes/no”.
(last option looks interesting to me but maybe others dont agree).
Or something like that.
thank you!!! this feature really can bring back hattrick to a new gold time!
but, please, TS for tournement MUST be implemented!
Goodie goodie, my birthday is coming so I consider this a gift for my birthday. This is an amazing opportunity to play with friends, test gaming strategies, have fun and and and and.
Thanks a lot
I make you a question. Do we play with PIC and MOTS or all matches will be in PIN like friendly match in ht??
Thanks for your answer!
For this first version at least, only normal (no mots or pic).
Good morning! I like to create Friendlies Tournaments in the World Hattrick. I wonder if you have any plan to create a system similar to the system Friendly Hearts Hearts of Youth?
Sorry, but I don’t understand exactly what you mean. But one can say that this is similar to youth in the sense that you get to choose which teams to play against. Just that you do it with the best players in your senior team.
Congratulations, after several years, the tournaments are coming! 🙂
Including this feature in the supporter pakage is a great idea, and I think more and more users will buy supporter! 😉
It would be easy if you consider the conference… :DDDD
Hi !
I like this !
I think this is a really god idea and it would be great if it was possible to make tournaments of the training matches as well !
Keep up the god work !
so the non-supporters have to pay to get the same amount of training? that would definately ruin the whole idea!
sounds very interesting 😉
Nice, thanks for adding the Tournaments to the supporter package!
Monday is a good day for more matches, isn’t it? Nothing official to delay or break if server gets overloaded. 😉
Besides the TS, injuries, etc. mentioned above, something else pops up in my mind. Aren’t the tournaments the best idea behind Open? Are you going to abandon the project if Tournaments are to be so cool feature for Supporters? I bet you’ve considered that so you may want to elaborate on this topic too.
Thanks and keep blogging!
I like the idea of tournaments, but for me, playing just for playing one more game a week isn’t attractive enough.
I think would be better if the players that play the both games, tournament and friendly or cup (not in the league), for instance, could receive a extra bonus in training.
I don´t know if this is possible or not, but I think it would be more attractive for all of us.
The best thing since the academy was introduced. I don’t get the 8 teams 5 matches bit. Unless this means 2 groups of 4 then the top 2 in each group play semi then final.
I would like to be able to play any formation without suffering from inexperience. Tactically that would make the tournaments better and less predictable. Maybe this could be an option for the organiser to turn on or off.
great fricking feature… why not trying to implement a totally new feature… one that allows the player to actually see the games played?
this is soooo wrong… and as it looks, it’s gonna be the same thing as the season before, and before this… fix this, we don’t need any new features until you make ht normal… if you take away the game, what’s left?
this is not right….
It is a good idea.
I would like to see it go up to a 32 team cup.
Right now we have a Federation Cup that we like to try and have every season.
We always try to get 32 teams, and try to have it in the same format as the world cup.
It runs from Week 7 till Week 15.
If we could get something like that, then it would be great!
But we need to have it to where all can play..supporters and non supporters as well.
I would not think that there would be many non-supporters that would be willing to pay for it.
You should better take care of the kernel of the game. The majority of the ht-users is looking forward to the first round – and now all matches are delayed. That’s so extremly disappointing. Congratulations, you are killing the game. But naturally the main thing is that we can now play tournaments as compensation. That is so ridiculous!
Delays are indeed very disappointing. But they will be gone (all of us work to get rid of them now) soonish, it’s naturally a higher priority for us. But that doesn’t mean that tournaments is a bad idea or that you will not enjoy playing such matches as well eventually. Delays is disappointing and boring as hell, but they’re not persistent.
My 2 cents,
another feature extremely useless to the game itself,
it’s(my opinion) just somenthing in the hope people will connect more often and a way to make more revenues (€€€€€) selling credits, I would be happy to pay the supporter for the core bussiness(game) rather than paying for senseless “feature”.
Thanks for the hard work you put in it! ^-^
More real matches every weak would make much more sence, give more action in Hattrick, this will be fun for a while…
I love it!!!
Great feature to add to the supporter package. That’s definitely the spirit I like to the supporter status, more fun but without loosing the balance of championships.
It’s just more fun and more experience.
A really good idea, looking forward to it.
Probably the possibility of increasing the number of teams involved without increasing the lengths of tournaments from more than 2 weeks would be good…
Thanks again !
It’s a really good idea for me. Extra bonus of training or experience is a really good addition with the supporter pack.
Just note that you will not gain any extra training or experience from tournament matches.
I think that would be brilliant and make the game alot more exciting per week for the user!
When we can see this new feature?
When it’s ready, to put it simple. Which mean bugs should be out of the house etc, but as we don’t have that many left now I say it’s just a matter of weeks. In case nothing major turns up of course.
Hi HT-Tjecken,
sounds great ! I’m looking forward to this new feature, Open wasn’t that great success as expected.
you answered a few postings above a major item: such a feature should be implemented to hattrick and I’m happy that you do so far. do you have any more detailed information about that? is it shown in the games site? or are the tournaments a single menu like the youth team?
I’m curious about it and can’t wait… !
When will tournaments are going to be enabled?
When they’ve been tested enough. 🙂
Its almost like hattrick open isnt? but here you can do league and not like hattrickopen where you cant..
Can I test it if you need testers (with my friends) like the beta you did at hattrickopen pre-release
This is integrated and you use your normal Hattrick team, so it’s a bit different really. Testing is made on Stage, so we have enough testers as it is. But thanks anyway.
as nice as it sounds it seems to be unreal to me. there is no such a thing in real life and i thought HT was going to be as real as it is possible and that’s where HT was going. sorry, guys.
I can understand your point of view; but one thing that stood clear for us was that we had to treat tournament matches separately with no impact on your team. If you would have risked injuries etc managers would not use their best players which would destroy the competition. And if we gave players training etc, it would be possible to pay for an ingame advantage. So, while I understand how you think and why you do that – it would have quite devastating effects on the game play for most managers.
It’s a nice feature to add to hattrick. At least the matches will be many and it ll be addin more fun to an already stunning game! Thanks
I played Hattrick for several years and quit it 3 years go, Now I’m back and things like this one is what hattrick desperately needs!! I always wanted to make a competition with friends, but was impossible, I was not going to risk injuries, and loosing training?? No way. But this it’s just fantastic, I can play my best without risks. Great idea guys, love it. Now if you only made some software to see the games… or at least the goals… I would pay for that, definitely!!
Will the “game engine” handle every tournament games as the league games ? If so, that could be very helpful to try different strategies that we don’t usually try, isn’t it ?
And I agree with some users about your supporters and staff system. Pretty frustrating at times.
Is the option of lending players to another team for a fee in your book of ideas that could see the light of day ?
Good job.
Tournament games are played with the same engine as usual games (but TS/TC are fixed for tournament games), so sure you can try out different things if you want to.
About loans: I’ve never been completely sold about that idea plus that it also needs some kind of system (market based) around to prevent cheating etc. So while I can’t say we’ve totally dismissed that idea, I don’t think it’s likely to happen either.
It’s interesting to see tournaments being implemented for the masses and not just those elite few who qualify for the masters. It’s also nice that you’ve offered it as a free feature to supporters. I was a long time supporter but I let mine expire in response to the (retracted) price increase and the direction of the game.
This unfortunately won’t give me any incentive to renew supporter. If it has no impact on persistent world gameplay then it adds no value for me.
I disagree with your analysis
“If you would have risked injuries etc managers would not use their best players which would destroy the competition. And if we gave players training etc, it would be possible to pay for an ingame advantage.”
We already have to balance all of these factors when deciding who to field in the cup and that’s what makes it competitive and interesting even when spanning multiple divisions. I think it would be far better to have in game impact, normal risks, normal training, normal TS impact, normal relation to tactical experience. The balanced approach would be allow only one tournament per season, but it would allow for easier training of home grown youth players and a chance to experience meaningful international play.
Thank you for you efforts.
Thanks for your feedback. Even though we don’t agree on all things, I respect your opinion and I like the way you put it forward.
Thanks for taking my suggestion into consideration. I may eventually renew my supporter regardless of the outcome of this new feature. I’ve been around since 2002 and I still log in on a daily basis. Occasionally I miss seeing my logo and match kit. I just need more time to recover from the injustice of some bad upsets last season. If I manage to make it up to D.III I’ll renew as a celebratory gesture.
great feature! please add the function of being able to add a Trophy-Logo / Picture at anytime. at the moment, you can only do that before tournament is starting. we want to keep the enthusiasm up and advertising the tournament while playing
so coool, thank you!