I’ve had a marvellous time in the forums today. Mostly because the vast majority of reactions around the game news published earlier today have been really positive naturally, it just feels great that these news to the game are wanted and managers (at least most of you as it seems) are looking forward to them. I can for sure tell you that I’m really looking forward to these additions as well.
The other thing that I enjoyed was that the athomosphere in the forums around this has been very nice, even from people who may not necessarily think exactly as we do. It makes it so much easier to respect and take those opinions into account. So kudos for that.
My last couple of weeks have mostly been about complete the design of the new staff, and to finish the specification of it. Some details are yet to decide on, but the general stuff is done. After that I’ve been writing the editorial you’ve just read (hopefully, and if not – read it!).
Needless to say I think all this has built up quite an amount of stress and anticipation within me, especially since I really thought it was needed for me to finish this before I went on vacation. But in this very moment I feel that stress is going away from my body, and I know I can go on vacation and just be relaxed.
Because vacation it is now (actually it has been for a few days, even though I’ve worked a quite a few hours anyway). For real. And after my vacation I will be on parental leave for some months taking care of my little son, so it will be a longer “vacation” than usual this time.
I will still work one day a week during my parental leave, and then totally devote that time to game design issues (especially the new staff implementation naturally). I’m also planning to blog here on regular basis, so you will hear from me even though my forum time will be cut.
With this said: Having a really nice summer (or winter – if you’re on that side of the world) everyone!
I agree, really good changes!
Have a nice holiday and parental leave.
But, PLEASE!!!!! don’t forget to fix alltid… I miss it.
Have a great time, Niclas. Enjoy the time with your kids!
IMHO, for what I’ve read on the editorial and your forum posts, these new changes are great for the spirit of the game. Kudos to those who deserve the credit. 🙂
Let that stress go, relax, and enjoy your vacations.
Then, take that time off, and be a nice dad. Really. That little boy is only going to be a little boy once, I hope you both enjoy it.
I will enjoy it for sure. I was home with my daughter two years ago and it was a fantastic time of my life, so I’m really looking forward to this. Just being dad. 🙂
Congrats on your son. Being Dad is the best!
enjoy your “alone” moment buddy 😀
and don’t forget to come back with bunch of ideas
Have a nice time, and enjoy your holidays!
PS: really like the new introductions to the game.
I’m a bit sceptical about the new staff system, though. I have the feeling I will necessarily LOOSE something very valuable that will probably affect the way I play. I know the intention is to take decisions, but I think they will imply a bigg loss on things that are vital to play.
For example, under no circumstances will i stop hiring doctors/phisiotherapists, but I feel that, to have them some vital staff members won’t be hired, and that worries me.
I hate winter
Ha ha ha! TT–TT has winter!
Man, would have loved to know this before! Well, greetings greetings greetings, I wish you the best time with your children!
By the way, magaged to get a boy this time? very good! 😉
(my sis says child’s sex it’s up to man, so it’s just “your fault”!)
“athomosphere in the forums”
Auwtsj, Tjecko, Auwtsj
Good luck on vacation.
Congrats on having a little boy! Enjoy, those are the things that make life really worth it.
In your editorial about training speed and the latest one about salary reduction, the thing that has been left out were the fact that defenders can be good multi-skill players. Because they mainly rely on one skill. But, for example, wingers use many different skills. So we are forced to have defenders with higher defending skills (compared to our team standards). Are you aware of that?
And it seems logical if defenders skill drop occurs later than other players (after mythical perhaps?) and they get more salary discount.
Have a nice leave.
Please add a staff related to youth players, then teams would have to sacrifice something in order to have a nice youth system.
BTW I really like the concept of not all strategies at the same time, this makes the game much more challenging and test our skills, otherwise it is trivial as there is a best approach to each part of the game.
Great Changes, really. Most probably, it will way improve the spirit of the game.
From what I’ve recognized, most (>80%) of the current players are looking forward to the changes. That even surprised me a bit because when I read about the changes, I was a bit sceptical whether those big changes will be accepted by all the long-time-players.
Now, you shall really have a nice holiday and enjoy your time with your little boy. Ive’ got one myself and it’s the best thing ever 😉 Especially because I think, you’ve got a lot of patience after all that time with all those beefing players in game 😉
Good luck and enjoy your time 😉
Congratulations on the new arrival! Enjoy the time off and the time with him; it’ll go more quickly than you can imagine.
Enjoy your summer and take care your children. Everybody tells that RL is much more important than HT 😉
Congratulations for the nice blog!
I would like to ask if is possible to put a blog visit counter in the HattrickUnited Widgets, or if exist this widget.
In advance, thank you very much for your answer !
Parental leave? I skipped it to nurse my HT-team instead! 😉 Well, congrats on your fatherhood, Tjecken. Enjoy!
Can you recharge your “batteries” strongly, please, because we all look forward to these new changes? 🙂
Have a nice holiday, my HT-Friend…
Congrats and enjoy the moments 😉
Long holiday you guys have… When will we have another blogpost?
My congratulations on the occasion of 14th Hattrick’s birthday:)
I wish you all the best…
May all your dreams and wishes come true.
I wish you good health and happiness in real life.
Good luck…