So the cracks are revealed and the word is out – we have a new baby in the making and it’s soon to be delivered: Hattrick Open
It’s foremost important to say that even though this is a new game and a game of its own; this is also very much a new way of experience Hattrick. And it’s definitely not the end of Hattrick as we know it either. Hattrick Open is not a competitor of Hattrick and it’s not the successor of Hattrick: one can say it’s Hattricks twin brother.
Hattrick Open is based on Hattrick, it uses the same engine for example, but you decide how you want to play it. For as long as I’ve remembered people have always requested to be able to play cups against their friends or within federations, without it affecting training, injuries, cards etc. Until now, it’s just not been possible – simply because it’s not been really possible to add that within Hattrick with how the league and cup competition works.
With Hattrick Open you will now be able to do just that – play against your friends with your Hattrick players without it affecting your team in Hattrick.
Hattrick Open also gives us a playground to try and test new things to add to Hattrick. Most users want improvements, but not changes – which makes it very difficult to add things to Hattrick. With Hattrick Open we get a place where we really can play around and test new things which could be added to Hattrick – without affecting the competition in Hattrick.
Hattrick Open has been developed by a small part of the devleopment team, the majority of devs has always had full focus on Hattrick. But all the development for Hattrick Open has been made so that it should be possible to quite easily add it to Hattrick as well, if we want to. This naturally also goes in the other direction, things we do for Hattrick might also be added to Hattrick Open.
Both Hattrick and Hattrick Open will benefit from each other, and the development of these two games will also benefit from each other. It’s a win-win situation, not a competition.
I think most managers will enjoy playing Hattrick Open as well, but I guess naturally not all of you. And everyone doesn’t have to like Hattrick Open either. You don’t have to play it, you don’t have to pay anything for it. But remember that you will still be able to enjoy the features that will enter Hattrick through Hattrick Open; features where the development has been paid through Hattrick Open tournaments.
you can play like you play FIFA11 ?
you can control the players on the field?
or it’s just a manager game?
It’s a manager game, but you’re in control over how it’s played (speed, form, players used etc).
It is a very good idea.
How is it called ‘Open Hattrick’, yet playing tournaments isn’t free?! 😮
It’s “open” because it’s up to you to decide how you want to play it. In Hattrick we “decide” who you play against and the speed of the game. In Hattrick Open, it’s up to you.
“Hattrick Open is a pay to play service”
Open (your wallet to play this) Hattrick!
: )
And exactly howmuch blingbling will this “service” cost to play? Or is it to early to put a pricecard on it?
Hi, I don’t understan exactly what this would be. It would be an option of tournaments, just like we make it in Cup Manager, only it WON’T affect the team in any way? Or it would help in training and condition, form? How exactly this would different to Cup Manager, and would we have to pay even if we are supporters?
Quick answer: No. It’s not free to play.
I’m really excited about this.. It’s a great idea. I like it. Mucho.
When is it going to be open to the general public? Or at least.. the enthusiasts? xD
Not sure I’m following you here… Won’t it be free (of charge) to play Hattrick Open?
Will we have to pay in order to play/create custom made tournaments at Hattrick Open?
But..don’t you think this will give advantage to Supporters?
I’ve always liked HT because Supporters and Non-Supporters had the same chance to succed.
But not anymore.
With Hattrick Open you can know you’re game califications and if the line-up is going to work for the games.
Sorry, but I don’t like the idea.
Supporters don’t have advantages compared to non-Supporters because of HT. So no. And I would say that you will not get an advantage by playing matches in HTO. Sure, you can play a lot and you will probably learn from it – but on the other hand experienced managers in Hattrick have already played a lot of matches like that. But if this stays as a real feeling in the community, we have to relate to it and try to find a proper solution to it. Because there are solutions, without affecting the game play in Hattrick or Hattrick Open, if so.
shouldnt the focus be on the game that everyone has been playing for years rather than trying to pull them into another game?
shouldnt the best gra[hics be on the tried and tested original?
i like the option to play a new type of game, but i have played ordinary hatrick for years and enjoyed it, to bring in a new version away from the team that i have had for almost five years seems abit of an odd direction for you to be taking.
good luck to those that join it, but i can see it having a bad effect on the ordinary hattrick, and less new players joining it as a result
Let’s hope …
Set the BG to normal, now it is revealed.
And put that stupid minibanner thingy away, I pay supporter, so I don’t want ANY advertisement.
Homepage OK, but not when I’m logged in.
Is this free for supporters?
How much will it cost?
I like the look of it looks promising, hope a lot of the ideas u have in open wil be integrated into original. loving the interface to
I think Hattrick needs a new interface and new graphics like Hattrick open!The new game seems to have very nice graphs and i think these graphs must be done in Hatrrick too!I’m a supporter since 2006 and now i am seeing a brand new game which is better in appearance than Hattrick but i am not paying for open i’m paying for the original so i want chances and improvements there!I hope Hattrick will be same as ht open in appearance in the future and all the above i believe it’s not only my opinion but it expresses a lot of users playing Hattrick!
i was wondering if it will be free or not.
Or it will be like hattrick, with supporter and non-supporter?
How about training?
Does games in Hattrick Open qualify for training?
And injuries and cards?
Can a player get injured in Hattrock Open and therefor not be able to play in ‘real’ Hattrick?
It’s like with Vegas, what goes on on Hattrick Open stays on Hattrick Open. You can import your players to Hattrick Open to use them in tournaments, but it will not affect your team in Hattrick.
Fristly I don’t really agree with it being a pay-to-play service for existing supporters. Fair enough it’s a new product and businesses are entitled to expand their portfolio; but to ask that current supporters of Hattrick pay to use their existing team within the new game (if they wish to), to me smacks a little on the expensive side. Is there no free trial for your loyal customers?
Rather than create an entirely new game to satisfy those quaters who bemoan Hattrick’s relatively slow pace, and re-invest paying customers’ money into a new venture; shouldn’t HT been given this glossy new pair of shoes first?
Honestly, the new graphics and layouts for HO look slick and on the money, but I would have liked to see that integrated into the current HT game. Far more appealing. But having 2 ‘twin’ games is like 2 different versions of FIFA, the old one gets used far less. Is HO therefore more a Beta styled game for the future development of HT?
I can see elements of Football Manager and FIFA Pro Team with the card system, and the lobby looks a very good idea (which HT is crying out for).
I just wonder if this is an experimental venture or HT’s percieved new suit.
It is the very first time I am actually disappointed and angry about hattrick (not the game itself, but the developers of it). All the previous improvements have been more ‘delicate’, let me say, because it affected only a small amount of players (TDF trainers, TL speculators and etc.). So there wasn’t a too big deal for a sole manager to cope/bear with.
IMHO, you chose wrong methods to promote this new game. Lots of must be angry by such an entry (cracks, time consuming discussions, poll) of a ‘twin’ as you call it, which actually is a competitor to hattrick because TIME is what’s required to have fun, and I personally believe that people won’t be able to invest their time for both games at once.
Considering your ‘pay to play’ attitude in HTO, for a dedicated ht-user like me it’s like a birth of an absolute capitalism in a socialist (perfect, emphasizing equality) world of hattrick (which you guys have almost built through a number of years). I won’t be able to play this for free, despite the fact that it was a little part of me like the rest of ht-supporters and non-supporters who have participated in improving this game through forums (stated great ideas, gave suggestions) and supporting this improvement financially. This fact makes HTO the same OUR Hattrick, not yet a successor (while hattrick is here) but a ‘no more for free game’ as we are accustomed to.
About the HTO implementation within hattrick, you say it was/is impossible. I say: ‘everything is possible’. ‘Impossibility’ is a misguided and even pathetic excuse. It must have only been the greed of money that made decide to create a separate game.
I have always been a supporter of this game and expected THIS game to be developed not a twin.. what I didn’t expect at all – was hattrick becoming a tool for another game to be promoted (despite of having your promise of no ads in hattrick)… I really hope that any of the current budget of hattrick didn’t become an initial investment for HTO to be programmed… cause I’d feel so used & robbed.
What I am really concern about is what if:
*HTO becomes more profitable than HT? You pay more of your time to work on HTO, so HT becomes obsolete and…
*…HTO becomes a better foundation for hattrick ‘the oldy’ to be improved?
Isn’t this new thing a beginning of end of hattrick being FREE to play…
From an entrepreneurial point of view – awesome job! Hope you’ll make a fortune.
Hell no. We started out saying Hattrick would be free and after more than 13 years we’re still sticking to that promise. And as I said in this post, I don’t see them as competitors. I see it as we’re adding a new game to our stock, and what’s good for Hattrick users is that it’s actually related to Hattrick and I think many Hattrickers will enjoy it a lot. For those who don’t, we will always have Hattrick. They are really different kind of games, and partly also for different kind of gamers.
It is dissapointing… Sorry… 🙁
Does using your team in Hattrick Open has an effect in Hattrick? For instance faster training or injuries?
Nope. As I answered on another comment; what happens on Hattrick Open stays on Hattrick Open.
So how much will all this cost?
Will Supporters get a discount since we´re already paying for our Hattrick, or is this a stand-alone new game, only based on Hattrick?
I like the idea of being able to play own leagues with my mates, but do you start new teams, or can you use your old team, but not have the training affected?
I like the idea. I hope you will bring more (new) users to the core game with this idea.
You should have used the time and money to improve the main game Hattrick instead of inventing some spin off. I’m very disappointed – especially because it is no external add-on or something like that, but a stand-alone to pay extra money for, additional to my supporter payments. That’s no way to treat a friend.
I think its a great idea. As much as I love HatTrick, it often chugs along at much too slow a rate for my liking.
I’ll certainly be trying HT Open, and I hope its as good as it looks.
Based on the screenshots, there’s a lot of work gone into it, so congrats on the release 🙂
can you specify “pay to play”?
all the features will be with a fee?
I find it strange…
It’s not a bad idea I admit, but thinking of how time consuming the original hattrick is, if somebody wants to be competitive, I don’t see how people would like to spent more time at Hattrick Open.
I don’t like that it is something alternative to hattrick also…
I would prefer to see hattrick functionality being improved rather than to have an option to spent some time with an alternative game based on the same Game Engine.
e.g. If we had the opportunity to watch matches live in 3D visualization mode and not just watch them trough text messages, all would have been very excited!
Also why don’t you provide the ability to supporters to play tournaments for free?
I think anyone that likes hattrick must become supporter in order to support its development, maintenance and existence through hattrick itself and not through an alternative “channel”.
Just a humble suggestion… If all (or at least some) of these fancy graphics were added to the actual Hattrick, it would attract far more people and really give existing users, a big motive to renew subscriptions.
I am so bored of seeing practically the same “non-existing” graphics after all these years that I was staring so jealous at the screenshots released today. I would love them in the actual game.
On the other hand, I believe simply organizing friendly tournaments will not attract more people, certainly since it is not for free. I could also suggest providing these graphics and friendly tournament options as a part of the supporter pack. It makes far more sense to offer it as an extra option in the support pack, followed by a slight price increase, I would certainly upgrade my subscription to that. But a stand-alone game in a separate website? I don’t think so….
Sorry guys, but HTO is a fail. Better option is upgrade and focus on Hattrick. It’s a lot of fantastic ideas on forum.
how much it will cost?
We only demand your soul, no more – no less. 🙂
Seriously, news about the pricing will follow very soon. Lets just wait for it.
On top of the ability to create cups and leagues, you also have a more attractive presentation layer for the data already in Hattrick. I suspect I won’t play Open but would pay a ‘premium supporter’ to get that in the classic Hattrick
Hello Hattrick Team,
I played Hattrick over 6 years with a break cause of the troubling transfermarkt.
I don’t unterstand the way to start Hattrick open, which i think is just a beta version to test new things for Hattrick. When I started to play Hattrick there were more then a million players. Up to now the number of members is more and more increasing. I think it would be better to make the game more transparent for beginners. All people i want to introduce into the game are telling me the same things. You need to much time to understand the beginning process. I think it is very risky to start a second Game. Wouldn’t it be better to place all power only in Hattrick ?
This is not a beta version to test new things in Hattrick, it’s a game of its own. With its own merits. However, we can also use it as a playground for new ideas which we can add to regular Hattrick, so in that sense one can say it works for testing as well.
As I a supporter, I will have to pay to play in HT Open too?
Hi, I have a few questions:
– when it will be lauched?
– how much it costs?
– when do we have some real important improvements in hattrick?
– what do you do about the decreasing no of players?
– what do you do about the increasing no of random in hattrick?
We, who pay supporter for years, keep paying you your wages, expecting the development of and are still waiting for made promises to be accomplished… so what you give to us? a new part of a game that as nothing to do with and you want us to PAY EVEN MORE to have access to it?
Please be reasonable, stop thinking on your wages and think on the ones who keep paying supporter year after year!
How about the new visual layout, player faces and this spider charts? Are those or some of those going to be implemented in the original hattrick game?
Also, are those features like the “your prediction”-thing or those “special cards” (like this intense defensive training card) something we could expect in the near future?
None of the visual things have been decided to add to Hattrick, but it’s an option we have. And if you like them it makes very much sense for us to do so.
The cards is however a mechanic which really don’t fit in regular Hattrick, at least not in the same fashion. The cards in HTO rather plays the same role as training etc does in Hattrick. Ways to fintune your team, or react on injuries etc. The effect of the cards is naturally only valid for teams in Hattrick Open, the effect isn’t transfered to Hattrick.
Interesting info.
Can we please have a forum on HT just to discuss HTO? The Global discussions have not discussed the game itself beyond the fee system. I’d like to see a bit more discussion of the mechanics before I consider purchasing into this.
There will be a forum for HTO on Hattrick. I will write a post (might pop up here as well) about the mechanics of the game during the day which I hope you’ll find interesting.
Would it be possible to give the LA´s the ability to translate this blog, I could imagine, that this blog is for many more interesting than most of the typical MyHTs.
Glad you find this blog interesting to read. 🙂
I don’t think this blog will be translated though, at least not right now. Mostly for practical reasons; our voluntary LAs already have a lot to translate as it is, and it would also mean a lot more administration around this blog. You should really see this blog as something which you may enjoy reading, but not a necissity to read. And where everything doesn’t need to be strictly about HT itself..
Why Will Hto do better them Football Manager Live?
Hattrick open?!
Seriously guys?
It reminds me a lot another game very similar to Hattrick (I think you know what I’m talking about), LoL!
Where is Alltid integration? where is the cup manager?
These things you did today (HT Open and the background with advertising) will cost you a lot of supporters…
Why wasn’t this blog entry a MyHT post?
Half of the complaints in the forum would have been eliminated had a proper MyHT accompanied the reveal. And there are valid complaints in the other half – and I think the prolonged build up was a set-up for disappointment, and now, anger, whether it’s misguided or not.
I am not so much opposed to HTO itself as I am of every aspect of how it’s been introduced to the community – from the teaser to telling us should think of it. Quite a mismanagement.
I have to see how the new game works to understood a lot of thing and having a personal mind about it, but the first impression is both good and bad.
Good because I read that most implementation on HTO can be added to HT, because it could be a better testing platform, because I can use my team and my own player to play a match against a friend of mine without consequence on HT.
Bad because I don’t know yet how works the “pay for play” system, because I’m afraid that it can “stole” new user to HT.
Now I just waiting to test it 🙂
So it was Chuck Norris after all! I just knew it!
What a disappointment…
How can I really be happy about HTO when we need a lot of things in HT, where is the new staff system? what about the pathetic fans system? alltid integration? new tutorial? and other stuffs…
First, my initial “rage” was never as excessive as some managers had it, and even that’s subsiding with the info I’m gathering from you. Still, I don’t think you pulled this teaser thing off the right way considering the nature of the revelation, and the initial info (~none?) accompanying it. I can understand why many managers are complaining.
But to my point.
I strongly believe I will have nothing to do with HTO and that it has nothing to give me. (No irl friends to play with and already trying to cut down every possible internet distraction, where HT’s pacing is perfect.) However, some of the visuals are nice and that is the part where I feel betrayed as a loyal player/ex-customer. Such nifty things like the line-up screen shown in the screenshots have even been requested I remember, and these kinds of things, among others, could persuade me to pay for Supporter again. Also the spider-web skillchart seems nice, and even has a use in HT now that multiskilled players are a real option.
And that is why I’m sad to see you’ve used the time and effort to make them available, but not in HT. Incomprehensible!
In this light I at least wish the new visuals are transferred to HT as an option in the settings menu. And not just old HT/HTO skin options, because greater customizability in general is the key.
(I’m happy for all the data collectors out there who can try and use this to their advantage to better understant HT ME. But that’s not my cup of tea, nor even my pint of beer.)
I’m really glad that so many seem to enjoy the visuals. That said, I also know that visuals is a very touch subject and it’s something one in general just can’t take for granted will be seen as an improvement. So for me that part makes very much sense to first show off in Hattrick Open – and then bring to Hattrick.
Some things are naturally already decided to take to Hattrick. The live ratings, for example, have been develped for both games but will first hit Hattrick Open. But oh god yes, that’s something that will come to Hattrick as well. I hope even in an even improved form, but for now that’s just me hoping.
Why you didn’t make this graphics changes in HT?HTO looks good and I like that player’s face but I don’t think that people will pay to play HTO when they can play HT free and just play some frendlies with their friends…Who cares about friendly cups? Thats like Arsenal…They win Emirates Cup but no one cares coz its a friendly cup organized by them.
last thing im waiting for is a game i have to pay for. Supporter is already way too expensive these days.
Will one have to play HT for playing HT Open?
I really hope you guys are right and that HTO won’t compete with Hattrick. Like I’ve already said on Twitter, I don’t want to pay twice for HT (Supporter and then HTO).
While I understand (as a programmer) the nature of the beast means that HT is hard to improve on, it’d be really nice to see some new features in HT very soon to show that you haven’t totally neglected us! 🙂
After all the hype Its done I hope this game will really proove himself. Its still not clear why this couldnt be implemented in regular Hattrick.
If the game its modular It should be ok to implement this part where you could make your own cup and matches where players dont get injured and cards doesent count. Like this you could play 3 matches a week lets say.
Except the part where you can train your squad faster I dont understand why it was needed another game.
Let’s face the fact that the company don’t live from air and water. A company is to earn money and that’s okay.
It is a logical step – to make money from hattrick, by using the learned lessons, code and logic and so on.
At the end let’s hope it’s not a evil twin.
“Let’s face the fact that the company don’t live from air and water. A company is to earn money and that’s okay.”
A company can only make money if there products are being bought (by customers who want the product because it is a good product). BTW… This company is already earning money by selling Hattrick Supporter (aren’t the selling polo’s, sweaters, jackets and family games as well?).
The last years the price of supporter went up. I remember the first time I paid supporter, it was something of €20 for a year. Now you pay almost 35 euro.
You can even take supporter for 3 years at once now. If you can do some math, check the differences between taking it a month, a year and 3 years.
It seems that the price of Hattrick Supporter is as logical as your matchengine nowerdays.
Which Einstein has come up with these amounts?
Do the math…
4 x 3 months = 4 x 11,4 = 45,6 euro
1 year = 34,8 euro (x3 = 104,4 euro)
3 years = 99 euro
So you save the incredible amount of 5,4 euro if you take 3 years at once instead of taking them yearly? This while you save more
This while you save 10,8 euro by taking supporter on a yearly base instead of taking it 4 times a year…
This idea is a step backward, unless they implement the good ideas in there to here soon; but I don’t think that will happen as you want us to pay more money, and you won’t get it if there isn’t anything new in HTO unless more matches!
When considering pricing, PLEASE can you consider giving a *heavy* discount to those who subscribe to both HTO and HT.
Otherwise what I can see happening is that people who pay for HT now, will simply switch to HTO, and your bottom line wont be that much different.
Also as a consequence, HT could just end up being full of free users, and at that point there’s little incentive to continue developing HT when you can increase profit by developing HTO more
It is not a good idea.
It would be much simpler to use same system as of Buzzerbeater, where is possible to organize Private Leagues like an arcade game integrated on the main game.
For me personally since you took out option of training a general form , Hattrick has become dreadful experience where one does not have anymore control of the team and training has become utterly nonsensical and non realistic and as games are only once a week…. xpert eleven much more interesting at the moment.
I will continue playing but with much less interest and for sure will not pay any more supporter money as your changes made game less not more interesting.
Regards and all the best.