Here I was really looking forward to a calm and cosy Saturday, take the kids (yes, the boy is alive and kicking since a week now) and the dog out in the forest, watch some football on telly and yadayada. Well, looks like those plans are screwed now. Right now it looks like it’s going to be one of those frustrating days in front of the screen, waiting and hoping that the downtime will be as short as possible. Frustrating is the key word here, for us and for you as well.
Right now we’re investigating why all web servers crashed. The database and game applications (match engine etc) seems to be fine, and because of the downtime I stopped the transfer engine stopped around 11.20. Deadlines will naturally be extended when we’re back online again. As soon as I get more info, I’ll let you know.
Update 12:55: Seems like it’s two problems, but they may naturally be connected. We had a network problem where the web servers couldn’t reach another server, this is now hopefully fixed. But when bringing back the site back online again, the front web servers (responsible for faints for some reason. We keep the site up just to be able to investigate why this is happening when all other web servers are replying fast.
Update 13:35: And it seems it was a firewall problem, which is hopefully solved now. We’re back online again, but we’re keeping a close eye on things. No cheering just yet, and we will wait a few minutes at least before we extend the transfer deadlines.
congratz with the boy.
Good Luck!
Dear Tjecken, here at Radio Game Fox we’re commenting the situation in our dedicated radio program about hattrick matches every saturday from 12 to 3 pm
we will keep the italian community informed about everything so please keep us updated in real time
I’m rooting for you since I’d like to update things on my spreadsheet here in Atlanta. Been up since 5 AM ET and I was like “What?” since there wasn’t even a “Hattrick is down” message at the time.
Did the actual machines crash or just Apache?
Good luck with eliminating the problem. I hope you can go on weekend soon. @Seadogs, I do not know what crashed, but they do not use Apache, they use IIS 😉
ouch. good luck fighting the serverdemons!
Feel the same way here regarding the team…
didn’t do the team yet for today’s game…
and now i’m stressing a little…
First of all: Congratulations, I hope everything is fine with everyone!
Why was the transfer engine stopped at 11.20, when the message “The service is unavailable” was already showing up between 10.25 and 10.30?
Sorry for my English.
Are there problems if we sent our match orders at 11.00 ?
No, it shouldn’t be any problem. If you got the ok message, it should be ok.
Why you don’t put any news about this today on FB?
Greetings from Croatia.
It’s really frustrating…
Some of us wait saturday’s matches and follow-up in real time.
I know that you don’t want to give us a bad service but now it is.
So, we try to be patient. But I hope that you can answer a little question…
Personally I give match orders around 11am (11.10 maybe).
My orders are stored? I’ve seen the confirmation message, so I hope that all go well.
I know that maybe to see people taking seriously this browser game can make you smile.
But some of us love this game and only want to play.
Good investigation 🙂
Boo, I have an important Mafia-game going on, put the hamsters back in their wheels so servers starts working again. 😉
@Obstinat: Yeah, same problem here 😉
Well, i guess iIm lucky. Im out of the game! But good luck to you guys, Ville and Obstinat.
Just got in again. Slow, but alive.
Shit happends, as they use to say in the U.S.
But when it appends too much often, you need a doctor (as we use to say in Italy).
Stop the game for a week if you need to make mantainance, but this sudden blackout are really a bad advertise for the game!
I’m not happy about missing the live of my today’s match, indeed! I wish you’ll be able to fix the problem soon and I also wish this won’t become the “standard” you are able to warrant to us for the future.
Regards from your Italian customer
This is becoming very frustrating… it seems you get into troubles each match day.
You can apologize, you can extend the supporter for few hours, but there are thousands of people using this 2 hrs every saturday to have some fun and disconnect from the problems of the RL.
The service you are providing is getting worser every season… I’m wondering when you would think more to the game stability instead of fancy changes…
I’m a supporter since 2005…
Well said Dagoran. Listen, I appreciate the explanation given by HT but really this down time (particularly on match days) is becoming a real pain. If the foundations aren’t stable why bother with the fancy add-ons & tweaks? To be honest I’m beginning to question whether I should continue paying the Supporter subscription. And trust me, I’m a big fan of Hattrick.
Congrats on the new baby & hopefully downtime can be minimised.
thanks for your work!
right before my match starts….
Work faster!
I was in, and Hattrick (again) out.
Next time you should have a back-up server running, or use fiberglass cables.
I think my update explains why, hopefully. Now we had to take the site down again, as the front web servers just faints (so ppl can’t log in).
The italian community is one of the larger in Hattrick (with Spain).
The league match are positioned in a disgracefull time.
Not morning, not afternoon and really often the down strike hard.
Could this league be positioned in a more confortable time? It would be better in a first afternoon 2:30/3:00 PM
We want to see our matches!! It’s not possible that Hattrick falls down all the times at 12:00, when the Italian matches are starting!!!! We want back our money!
I am seeing it right now.
Use the mobile site: (without www).
Good luck with the problems. :^) Hope it’s back on track soon.
still can’t open the site. Message still the same.
Thumbs up!
I ended up here via a link on the down page and there is actually some information about what and how.
This is how it’s supposed to be and I am really glad you guys fixed it now!
Downtime is one thing, but bad communication is another.
And this is a great step into the one and only correct direction, namely transparent and open communication.
Thought I should spit my positive feedback as well sometime when you guys deserve it 😉
You have to change job.
Down durante le partite?
Epic fail…
Dagoran, very well said!
updates are much a appreciated!
thanks, guys!
I hope this time is not a backup needed? Can you tell us which time you are hope to be can back?
No backup should be needed this time. But I can’t say right now when we will be back online unfortunately.
The NLB seems to be the main issue. At 12.49 I was able to logon to www74 server directly even if main www was still down. Check the redirection from the logon ISAPI filter (I guess you have one), I received a popup from FF about the web-page resending information to somewhere else and looping.
Will I be able to set my formation till my game starts at 6:00 pm?
When is hattrick working, for 8 years hattrick is allways down, errors and hardware failure.
Thanks for using our supporter money on your holidays
I’m sick of the shit hattrick server, it never works and always goes wrong
I see the transfer market about 12.50 and there isn´t extended the dead line. I saw players that have been sold about 12.50 to 13.00.
I´m very upset because I was doing my line-up and when I sent it I have this problem… ->
The transfer engine is stopped, which means no transfers will happen. As soon as we’re back online again, the deadlines during the downtime (since 11.20 or so) will be extended and after that we will start the transfer engine again.
Hello, i am not comfortable with this kind of behaviour, regarding GM of Hattrick. The errors, crashes or other things which stops me to see the maches makes me think to leave Hattrick communitie. Is to much, every week Hattrick takes away the plesure of watching my games.
Trust me, I don’t like this anymore than you do. 🙁
Well… your quiet saturday has gone… I understand…
You are supposed to be 24/7 alive and this means your service staff should be adequately sized… Isn’t impossible all the blames (and shames) fall on a single man, working from home on every saturday…
Fire some developer, reduce the new features and all the fancy shit, set a 5 people support group working on shifts….
If you need some extra money to do so, remove the *for free* clause. 10€ per yr for normal game, 35 for extra features (supporters).
Who’s managing this service? A person living in a fairy tale?
There are people working with the servers etc for as long as I’ve been writing here. Usually I (or Anne) do the writing and try to keep you informed, others do the “real” work.
Dagoran said
September 11, 2010 @ 12:54 pm
This is becoming very frustrating… it seems you get into troubles each match day.
You can apologize, you can extend the supporter for few hours, but there are thousands of people using this 2 hrs every saturday to have some fun and disconnect from the problems of the RL.
The service you are providing is getting worser every season… I’m wondering when you would think more to the game stability instead of fancy changes…
That’s incredible…
Fuck this, I’ve gor earlier to change me formation and what happen – I can’t do it because of crash AGAIN!
Wtf is happening with Hattrick..
When will Ht start again?
I have no estimation about that, sorry. First we have to find out what exactly is causing this.
Great, just great.
But this shit is always going to bottom, the server is constantly down, there are always problems, if not for one thing, it is another. What the fuck you or the server has technicians who can not settle things once and for all! in the other games in the genre, not this crap happens.
I agree with Fabio and Dagoran. In last months it’s a standard the server is down during playing games. And this isn’t frustrating, it’s a targeted attempt to lose utmost users. Why pay for unstable services? Why play anything what doesn’t work all the needed time? Why to be frustrated by HT again and again? Are you preparing the fans for big shut down?
Thanks for trying to cure my HT addiction a little bit :))
No seriously, good luck with the downtime. I still thank you warmheartedly for the entertainment you’re providing thousands of people (for free, for most of us), but still, I hope you will eventually take a cool look at the picture : there are more and more downs.
What about matches that have been played before the downtime? Will there be any back-ups restored and the matches replayed?
If you want to see online your match, use mobile page for HT. it works fine.
Bummer, mate.
Hope it will be fixed soon, so you can enjoy your day.
High five to the boy:)
Greetings, Grendel (pama71)
C’mooooooooooooonnnnn MAAAAANNNN C’MOOOONNNN !!!!!!!!!! Fratzie (Brother) !!!! :))))))))))))))) :(((((((((((((
But this shit is always going to below, the server is constantly down, there are always problems, if not for one thing, it is another. What the fuck you or the server has technicians who can not settle things once and for all! in the other games in the genre, not this crap happens.
I am EXTREMELY nervous (and supporter), but not surprised from you.
In the meantime, Hattrick is far more trouble than fun… New Design, new Engine, sucking site for formation… I’m starting to become really p…ed!
Great,in Croatia matches starts in a 20 minutes!!!! And i did not place line line up because of a crash!!!! Now,i probably loose match……… Come on……….. *!”’+0″#$$&(()
“I’m wondering when you would think more to the game stability instead of fancy changes…” – Dagoran respect!!!!
I completelly agree with Dagoran.
The situation is going worst than ever.
And, with these complains and problems, you also raised HT-Supporters price.
Very good move.
I wanted to hire new coach before the match, because my coach cant retain big team spirit level. So my pic today is vainly
Your server crashes at least one time for week. Don’t waste your time adding unuseful changes, but use it to improve your server safety. Are we in 2010?
Always a shit, and always on Saturday.
Yesterday everything ok,today not.Funny.
the transfer engine wasn’t stopped at all!!!
i had bids on 3 players between 11h30 en 12h30, and they were all ‘finished’!!!
The transfer engine is stopped. You can bid on players etc, but players will not shift clubs as long as it’s stopped. We don’t extend deadlines before we know how much we need to extend them, but I understand the confusion.
“The transfer engine is stopped.”
Like I asked before: Why wasn’t it stopped earlier, because the problems started almost an hour before 11.20?
Right now I don’t know exactly when the problem started to be honest, but we got alarm reports a few minutes after 11. Then we acted as quickly as we could.
I did a 2 hours of leason of informatic: do you need me to fix hattrick and doing your job?
please solve these problems. we don’t excist without hattrick!
The easiest thing to do is to write bad words about the developers.
I understand there are human people behind this computers, so although I’m paying for this game, I consider that a more than 95% efficiency is unusual at any human activity.
Congratulations and go on!
Regards from Catalonia!
ETA for coming back online?
I dont have set up formation and my match start at 15:25 CET.
Hurry up please.. 🙁
It’s back!…for now…
that is the “sinkin ship called hattrick”.. we’r going to lose all the users in a short time due to management
Great, I just got in, 5 minutes too late to set my tactics. So thanks for today’s loss, Hattrick. If there was any doubt whether to extend my supporter, it’s been resolved now
anyway, thanks for your work, hope the problem will be fixed asap
I’m sorry, really , but every week you got the same problems!
You recieve money from the supporters and I’m as supporter will not renew it.
I don’t know what is the problem to get more servers,to makea system when 1 server is down ,there will be one up instead.
It is really not normally that the game DOWN every week.
I really think to leave the game! 🙁
Wow, it works for me now! Thanyou developers, you guys have done an awesome job.
Time to throw away your solution built on Microsoft products and get some real stuff?
HT mobile seems to be working…
I could check the results of my match today! I won : )!!!
Back online!
Hope it’ll be online “forever”!
Good job 😉
végre már…
Good luck with fixing problems guys
But now the HT-Live died. And Hattrick Press is off.
Ht-Live back now (30 min. late), but HP no.
It appears both HT and stage are down again…
And again? Just as the Danish cup games are about to kick off.
And down again ??
And we’re up again.