Quick Events
Quick scores
If the exact opposite player is quick, then it is always stopped. If not, then we compare:
Scoring of attacking player VS Defending of defending player
Scoring of attacking player VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Quick passes
Passing of attacking player VS Defense rating of the same side
Scoring of ball receiver VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Technical Events
Technical goes around a head player
If the exact opposite player is a header, then we compare:
Scoring of attacking player VS Defending of defender
Experience of attacking player VS Experience of defender
Create a non-tactical Counter Attack
If you have a technical defender or wing back, his passing is important. In specific:
Passing of technical defender VS the sum of inner midfielders’ defending / 3
Unpredictable Events
Goal Unpredictable long pass
Passing of your player VS the sum of inner midfielders’ defending / 3
Scoring of ball receiver VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Goal Unpredictable scores on his own
Scoring of attacking player VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Goal Unpredictable special action
Passing of your player VS Defense rating of the same side
Experience of attacking player VS Experience of defenders of the same side
Goal Unpredictable mistake
Defending of your player VS Scoring of the opponent
Experience of your player VS Experience of the opponent
Scoring of the opponent VS Goalkeeping of your keeper
Powerful Events
Power Forward
Playmaking of your player VS Defending of central defenders
Scoring of your player VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Sitting Midfielder
Defending of your player VS Scoring of the opponent player
Stamina of your player VS Stamina of the opponent player
Winger Events
Winger to anyone
Winger of your player VS Defense rating of the same side
Scoring of the receiver VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Winger to Head
Winger of your player VS Defense rating of the same side
Scoring of the receiver VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Corner to anyone
Indirect offensive set pieces + a bonus of the set piecer of the corner VS Indirect defensive set pieces of the opponent
Scoring of the ball receiver VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Corner: Head specialist
Indirect offensive set pieces + a bonus of the set piecer of the corner VS Indirect defensive set pieces of the opponent
your headers VS the opponent’s headers
Inexperience Event
Experienced forward scores
Experience of your player VS average experience of your opponent’s team
Scoring of your player VS Goalkeeping of the keeper
Inexperienced defender causes goal
Experience of your player VS average experience of your opponent’s team
Defending of your player VS Scoring of the opponent player
Scoring of the opponent’s player VS Goalkeeping of your keeper
P.S.1 Weather events affect all the player’s skills
P.S.2 Wherever Scoring is an important skill and Winger can have this event, he will need, in general, lower scoring comparing to Forwards and Midfielders.
Goal Unpredictable mistake
Defending of your player VS Scoring of the opponent
Experience of your player VS Experience of the opponent
Scoring of your player VS Goalkeeping of the keeper – you mean opponent and my own keeper, no?
Opponent’s Keeper, of course.
if you make a mistake there’s no way the opponent’s goalkeeper is involved into it…
Why don’t you add a +33% middle attack bonus for power forward, just like TDF?
The editorial says nearby quick players can stop a quick score, while here only the exact opposite is mentioned. you might need to fix your documentation. and I only read the first paragraph so far.
In the news section it is mentioned that central midfielder with quick can get the scores and passes effect. It this correct? The manual states that only wingers and forwards have this ability.
It looks like we will have many more chances to score or at least to trigger some event, that will increase prices for all spec players. Are the chances to born with a spec is also going to increase?
so Powerful Forword needs playmaking to get a second chance? A powerful forward with only attack and passing is useless, isn’t it?
The Power forward will need to have better playmaking than defence of the defender? I think that will be to much to ask, Can you please explain more into details how this event will work, cause you are asking us to train a normal forward at playmaking (not a defensive forward) is like preparing just for this event
Unpredictable Events > Goal Unpredictable long pass
What does goal mean? Unpredictable long pass leads to gaol?
Would be nice if one used correct english in this post.