Tutorial videos on Youtube

Starting about two weeks ago we’ve been uploading tutorial videos to our Youtube channel. This is a project we did together with members of the Chilean community, so some (all?) credit should go to them.

So far we’ve uploaded 3 chapters, and the fourth one will be uploaded any day now. We’ll head for uploading about 2 videos each week, so make sure to check our youtube channel every now and then for new additions. All in all there will be some 20+ chapters.

On our channel you also find links to all fantastic community WC hosting videos and other Hattrick related videos. Including me and Johan singing a Swedish drinking song on a Hattrick meetup in Argentina some years ago. Beware.

On the video tutorial subject I would also like to say that a short tutorial video for newbies would be really nice and useful as well, to complement these one. Like a “3 minute guide to Hattrick”. And with all the nice hosting videos we’ve seen and with all the marvellous efferts some managers (mentors) put in in helping new users in the game, I’m a little bit interesting to see if the community could come up something here. Perhaps a contest? But more about that later on. Now enjoy the Chilean videos.
